Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Smoothie

I was inspired when Ashley brought a jusjugojuice peanut butter chocolate banana smoothie to class. I kind of went all like banana-chocolate-pb-vegan-omG-sweet-Jesus-food-is-amazing and danced in my head. But it was Illustrator class. So I contained it.

Then I got home and attempted a version myself. Only the health nut job in me decided to make it a green smoothie. GREEEEEENS.

WAIT! Before you attempt to dismiss green smoothies, please read the following instructions thoroughly. Actually, you can skim through it if you want, as long as you don't deny green smoothies a try!

Leafy greens, especially the dark ones are, rich in many vitamins, helps your brain stay youthful and make your skin glow like there is no tomorrow. Ever. (read more at hellobeautiful)

I went for 3/4 of a large banana (no less ha!),
a cup of rice milk,
a tbsp of PB
and a half a tbsp of Chocolate Hazelnut Spread.

Then I went all out and added about a cup and a half of raw baby spinach (I don't know why I just mentioned it was raw... cooked spinach smoothie.. mh...)

Then I blended the whole. It made a little under two cups of vegan wonder.

So sweet and tasty. I think the two key elements of approaching green smoothies is to:
1. Start with milder greens and small amounts, then increase as you get used to it. I never found that I really tasted the leafies, but I won't go and say they don't taste at all since tastes vary among people. And...
2. I personally suggest using ingredients that have strong tastes. For example, pineapple, bananas, chocolate, molasses, etc.

So that's about it for now. Hope you enjoyed the beautiful day!

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