Friday, May 31, 2013

Chocolate Mousse Raspberry Ice Cappuccino and it's VEGAN

Folks, brace yourselves. I present to you the Chocolate Mousse Raspberry Ice Cappuccino with VEGAN WHIPPED CREAM (and well really, the rest is vegan too). It was honestly an accident recipe. The thing is, I had refrigerated a cup of coffee in hopes of making an ice cap (not figuring out at that point that I should have just made frozen expresso cubes), but when I got to it, I realized there was no ice to grind... and I wanted it NOW. The only thing else that was frozen were the raspberries, so in they went!

But then hold on... Raspberries and plain expresso doesn't sound fantastic... and that's when the cacao powder happened. Two tablespoons en plus! Then I went for about two tablespoons of vegan whipped cream (that I will explain after the image) and some rice milk. Then everything got processed in my trusty Ninja blender. It ended up tasting like a drinkable chocolate raspberry mousse cake. Mhhhhh.

Vegan whipped cream is the easiest thing ever (and incredibly cheaper to make). The pitfall is that you've got to like coconut because though the texture is nearly seamless with cow cream, the taste is different. You just need to get a can of coconut milk and put it in the fridge preferably overnight, or for multiple hours, so that the fat goes all on top. When you open the can, the whipped cream is already almost made, that's how thick it should be. Scrape the fatty part and put it in a bowl. You can add vanilla and sugar to taste or leave it plain then beat it with an electric mixer.

To get that luxurious ice cappuccino look and feel, just pass the whipped cream through an icing piper and sprinkle some cacao on top. Yayayay! It's done!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Uncommon Rings From Oven Bake Clay

Hahahah ok, that was me trying to practice good SEO (title) .... Anyway, these last two days I've been going mad over making oven bake clay rings of uncommon fashions. Here are some of the results. Horseshoe ring, birthday cake ring, birds nest ring, Nessie Loch Ness Montreal ring... Baby you can have it all ;)

Also guess what!! There's a.... UNICORN ring on its way! Ever seen a unicorn riding a finger? Well... you're about to....

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tortured Stomach Calls For Detox Smoothie

I haven't got much in my fridge today but what I do have is a grave need of stomach detox. So here's the deal: Yesterday I went to Chez Boris on Park Avenue and had a… (brace yourselves) Deep Fried Doughnut Guacamole Grilled Pepper Sandwich. SHRIEK!! You read that right. Rich guacamole sandwiched between two deep fried doughnuts. Now, this may seem like THE awesomeness of the planet (and rest assured, my taste buds thought likewise) but my stomach was all like @*#&$^!%)$%^!!! this morning.

So okay, I scanned the contents of my fridge for some relief and I found it in the form of carrots and raspberries. Carrots do wonders in terms of vitamins and berries are known for their antioxidant properties (and Lord knows my body could use some antioxydization right now)

It's a very simple mix and has 3 portions of fruit and veggies in it. Basically, put a...
  • cup of cubed carrots (usually 1 large one will suffice)
  • 1/2 cup of frozen raspberries
  • 1/2 cup of fruit juice of your choice (I suggest citrus-y or tropical-y ones)
  • 1/4 cup enriched non-dairy milk (vitamin B12!!!)
  • one ripe banana.
So there it is. I promise I'll upload the recipe for those other iced coffee/smoothies I talked about in my other post, but today, as weird as it may sound, I was not up for any rich, sweet, cake-like things in my stomach...

Bonne semaine ! 

Ps. Allez tous au vernissage des finissants d'arts plastiques ce soir au Cegep St-Laurent à 19h !

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Out Of Your Comfort Zone, NOW!

Taken from Sora Park's rooftop.

Ça fait vraiment longtemps que je n'ai pas écrit un texte en français et j'ai besoin de me dérouillée si je veux avoir espoir de ne pas perdre mon français écrit! Alors voilà je m'y lance.

'Allez, ouste! Hors de votre zone de confort! Arrêtez de tarder et de vous faire un million d'excuses qui
"expliquent" (méga air-quotes) pourquoi vous ne pouvez pas faire aujourd'hui ce dont vous avez envi. Plutôt, questionnez vous sur la réelle raison pourquoi vous procrastinez. La plupart du temps ce n'est pas l'argent ou le temps qui manque, comme on le prétend. Peut-être serait-ce la peur du ridicule? Ou la peur de risquer investir son temps et surtout ses émotions dans une aventure qui n'est pas certaine de porter fruit?

Ça m'a été dit très souvent qu'on a rien si on tente rien et qu'il faut risquer être déçu, blessé ou découragé afin d'atteindre ce dont on rêve vraiment. Par contre, y'a rien comme mettre les mots en application dans la "vraie vie" pour les comprendre.

Ces temps-ci, je m'y mets! Il est clair que je fais pleins d'erreurs et que j'échoue souvent, mais chaque fois c'est moins un "epic fail" que la fois précédente, me rassurant que j'arrive, petit à petit, au jour où le succès sera à moi.

La présente est donc une invitation à sortir en trombe de votre zone de confort et ne jamais regarder derrière.


*On that note, I descend from my soap box to the sound of the roaring applause of the crowd in front of me*

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Guacamole Vegan Sandwich = Foodgasm

You know when you make a sandwich, and it's vegan, and it's insanely tasty? OH YES. For the past... two years I think, ma gurlz and I have been obsessing over homemade guacamole. Now one of them is in Asia right now, so I've been eating twice as much to compensate for the space she left (quite literally, once could say... I always hear these stories of people who started eating an avocado a day and gained 20 pounds.. heh...)

So anyway, back to my vegan sandwich story.


Basically, you generously cover one side of two slices of bread with hummus. Then you add as much finely chopped garlic as you can handle. On one of the slices go in the diced tomatoes, followed my pieces of avocado. Finally, you sprinkle chopped onion on top. As for the other slice, generously coat it with the leafy green of your choice (however, I recommend spinach. In fact, I've made guacamole with blended spinach and it was delicious!)

 Ps. I've been making a lot of different vegan smoothies and ice coffees and frozen chocolate beverages these days. All of which were mouth watering (yes, yes, tooting me own horn matey, I know) and all of which you should stay tuned for :)

Here are some sneaky thumbnails to get ya curious!


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Expo Allégories at Espace Pop

Je suis allée à l'expo Allégories à l'Espace Pop hier dans laquelle participait Mme Maïa Faddoul, a fellow I+D mate. Ce fut un bon coup d'air frais, me distrayant des contraintes de l'art commercial (a.k.a. I like not to always think whether or not the work I'm looking at can be printed a million times and be sold to Sears and Reitmans).

J'aime voir des choses belles, simplement parce qu'elles sont belles. Peut-être ont-elles de subtiles raisons d'être au-delà de l'esthétisme, mais parfois c'est mieux de juste pouvoir apprécier une oeuvre pour la pure expérience visuelle qu'elle est.