Ha! It's been some time since you've seen one of these posts eh. Yep, I'm back with some DIY for you. I have been wanting to make these hair ties for a while so I decided that today was the day.
You'll need:
- -Sculpey or proxy material to make your hair tie charms out of
- -Thin elastics
- -A toothpick
- -20g wire
- -Toothless plyers
Poke a ball of your clay and wiggle it around to make a big enough hole for your elastic and proceed to shaping it the way you want it (in this case, it's a kitty and further you'll see I made bows and skulls as well). Take the toothpick out and bake it according to the instructions. Make at least two.
Thread your charms as shown if the elastic is long enough to allow overlap. As you will see in the next photo, this elastic was not long enough. I therefor needed to secure one side at a time.
Note: A great length I found was 24cm of elastic for 2,5 x 2 x 1,5 cm charms used on a medium thickness of hair. That is what I used for the kitty hair tie.
Now I'll admit I found this part a bit tricky, but once you get the hang of it, it's alright. I first creatied a hook shape and then pressed it down around the elastic pieces with the plyers.
I used this technique where you first clamp the base of your wire with the plyers and fold it over in a loose loop as shown. Then apply pressure with the plyers at the two spots indicated by the blue dots. (oh-em-gee that rhymes.) Repeat this until you reach the end of this side of the elastic and continue wrapping to secure the other side. If your elastic was long enough in the first place, you can do this step all at once by overlapping the two ends while wrapping.
Tadah! Here are a few examples that I've made.
And here's a Photobooth selfie of me modelling one of these lovelies.
They're strong enough to hold up my weave yo.
Don't hesitate to ask any question you may have and I shall do my best to answer appropriately :)