This is the story of how I found the key to the TARDIS in my appartment.
On July 1st 2013, I was très ready to move out. Upon arriving, after taking down the 'sexy girl' calendars and beer pong posters left from the previous tenants, something stood out to me in the stark naked apartment. A single object left in the whole space: a small key, hanging from a coat hook in the entry way. [See the full series here]
Maybe it was the slight eerie feeling of being alone in an empty apartment, but I had one precise thought: the Doctor left me a key to the TARDIS because something's about to go amiss and I'll need it. Now, this may not be your personal immediate reaction, but it sure was mine.
Ok so turns out it's the key to our mailbox. Heh. But still, during that moment, the situation was perfectly conducive to having the Doctor show up and being involved in fighting intergalactic species that want to take over Earth for Who knows what reason this time.
Out of this moment FINALLY came a mini-series to represent MY key to the TARDIS. You can see it here.
Anyway, The Day of the Doctor (50th anniversary of Doctor Who)is coming up so soon - I can hardly contain anything. ANYTHING.
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